Wednesday 12 December 2007

Los chicos pinguinos....

... 500k are to be found at the world's largest Magellenic penguin colony at PuntoTombo - the most southerly place in the world that Gill has ever visited at 43 degrees South - Ant is going to 67 degrees but given he turned up at 43 degrees south in a pair of shorts and a t shirt, whilst everyone else was correctly dressed for the South Atlantic Gales that were blowing, we are a little concerned that more thought needs to go in to his daily wardrobe..... But gales notwithstanding the 2.5 hours drive on dirt roads was worth it. We spent 2 hours wandering freely amongst the penguins and their newly hatched chicks watching the parents take to the sea to go fishing for food, and then go waddling back up the beach to their nests and families. It was humbling. Looking out to sea, as well as the penguins swimming in and out, we spotted a whale in the bay.

We rewarded ourselves with a lunch of lamb empanados at 2 pesos (30p) each before making the reurn journey. After 5 days in this part of Patagonia, Trelew is taking on the persona of a bustling metroplolis and we couldn't resist pulling in to get get cash, find a road map (and that was fun - our Spanish really is improving) and of course a drink in a caff. Trelew was beginning to feel like home..... Gaiman was still closed as it has been since we arrived.......

Tomorrow we journey north to sub tropical Iguazu a 3.5 hour flight via Buenos Aires where we intentd to lunch.

Shopping conditions - poor - stuffed penguins only - shopping forecast still not hopeful...