Wednesday 16 March 2011

Asda Is The New La Perla... (13 - 15 March 2011)

....or at least that is the way it seems. Every time I send stuff to the laundry in Asia, it comes back minus some underwear, not sure what the attraction is of Asda's three pairs for a fiver, all I know is my undies store is getting smaller as the washing goes on.... Was lovin' the sign at the Sufia Laundry though, "cheap, clean and fresh"! It said nothing about disappearing clothes.... My clothes are also all more matching than they were when I started out, so I find myself more colour co ordinated than I intended. The colours are all merging into one as they are bashed about in industrial washers and dryers and everything is now sort of beige..... This is also causing alarming shrinkage too..... there can be no other reason my clothes feel tighter, can there?
The hotel is busier this week as it is school holidays in Malaysia and Singapore. The weather has also turned into holiday weather, today I wake up to a cool, wet and windy day, with low grey clouds obscuring my wonderful island view. I feel sorry for the parents trying to keep the kids occupied in the dismal weather.
Eagles are big round here, and by that I mean the kind with wings rather than the Hotel California kind, although they too have their time as the resident band croon away night after night after night....

I keep trying to get a good picture of one in the sky, but have failed miserably so far, this is my best effort!

Thankfully the flying kind are not quite so big as the one I finally found in Eagle Square a few days ago.

This is near the ferry port and bordered by a lovely park, with little white beaches along the edge and views towards the small islands. It's also very near Langkawi Fair, the largest shopping Mall on the island which was obviously a must see. Lots of the shops were closed, not sure if this is due to a duff economy or the fact that it was Friday (aka Sunday in this part of the world) and the traders were just having a day of rest. All the Mosques on the island were doing a roaring trade. But the good news for my limited luggage weight (Air Asia and all that entails) is that nothing caught my eye, well that's not quite true, lots of things caught my eye, it's just that I am not in the market for a local outfit or a set of wooden teacups or a badly carved eagle just at this moment!
So what to do - ah the beach calls.
Got chatting to a Brit, you really can meet all sorts out here. He is married to a Thai girl but lives in the UK as he cannot go back to Thailand as he would be put in prison (unspecified crime, however much I probed....!). She still lives in Thailand and they meet up here once a year if he can save up enough from his building work .... He was drinking lots of beer in a bar, she was back in the AB Motel..... Strange lives.....

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