Tuesday 22 March 2011

Supermoons and More Halo's (17 - 20 March 2011)

On my last but one night here in Langkawi, it offers me a 22 degree halo around the moon to match the one around the sun a few days ago. And on the night of the Supermoon too. Luckily the cloud cleared enough so I could actually see said Supermoon, it looked no different to a normal full moon to me, but I did like the halo. My pictures of this are even less National Geographic than the ones I took of the sun!

Yet again, Google tells me that a moon halo, just like the sun one isn't always a precursor of bad weather. On this occasion I think Google got it a bit wrong again, there has been loads more rain (even the taxi drivers comment on it "this month last year, no rain" each one tells me in a desperate attempt to convince me that it really is normally a good time to visit....
The rains also bring with them exceptionally hot weather as the storms build up throughout the day. Now, as you know, I love a bit of heat and humidity, but even for me it was becoming a bit trying, and as I walked past Langkawi Undersea World, a big attraction here, and the idea of seeing Antarctic penguins seemed a good, cooling idea. So I pay my money and in I go. Big mistake, huge! The first bit you walk through is tropical world which is every bit as hot and humid as outside, but to add to the horror, it was also the exhibit of creatures that live the other side to under the sea, tropical birds, all flying freely around..... I kept looking out for Alfred Hitchcock.... I got a few odd looks as I hurried past everyone else admiring these things... Next area was the penguins. All behind a glass screen, in, I hope, a climate that was more suited to them. But I was sorry I went, they had lots of places to perch and swim, but it seemed so wrong keeping them there. Call me hypocritical, but I had less of an issue with the shark exhibit, they were definitely in the right place out of the real sea..... And then the fishy bit, and the majestic rays swimming about gracefully in a really small tank. A small Ozzie child next to me put it succinctly when he said, "oh, that big one looks so sad". He was right, it kept swimming to the edge in what looked a desperate attempt to escape. I had had enough, so made my way out (through the gift shop, of course....) only to find, which I'm sure they don't see as ironic, that you then have to walk through the fresh seafood restaurant to get out.....
But time and Air Asia wait for no man so it was soon time to go back to the airport. Two flights, Langkawi to KL to Phuket. Note to self, in tropical places when rain is around, book your flights for the morning to avoid the worst of the weather as the heat builds up. By the time I boarded the first flight the rain had started in earnest, and by the second, the strobes of lightning were well underway. Air Asia normally turn of the seatbelt sign as soon as the wheels are up (more time to make a few bob selling food etc on these short flight) but not this time, we bumped for ages, strapped to our seats in the pitch dark, apart from the lighting strobes...... Not one of my finest moments!

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