Tuesday 28 September 2010

A woof woof on a chuff chuff... (Friday 9 July 2010)

Hello – for those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. I’m Dylan often known as “The Dyl” and here is my contribution to Daddy Ant and Aunty Allsort’s blog all about my recent adventures in France – my first trip abroad! For the first time ever, I left the shores of Blighty (and very exciting it was too.....). It was a great trip to the French Alp’s based in Chamonix and I travelled with Daddy Ant and Aunty Allsorts – she was a bit of a pain as she took my seat in the Porsche and I had to sit on her very ample knee all the way - what a cheek! We met up there with my friend Alfie who was travelling with his daddies Colin and John and Uncle John W.

I left a couple of days earlier than Alfie and stayed at Auntie Allsort’s house for a barbie (the steak was good, thanks) before we set off for the Channel Tunnel (and I remembered my passport). It was a bit odd being in the car which was on a train, but I soon got used to it and in no time we were driving off on the wrong side of the road. We drove down to Epernay for the first night – of course Daddy Ant and Aunty Allsorts couldn’t go through the champagne region of France without stopping, and it was no time after we got to the posh hotel – all sparkly and I loved the lift – before they had to go straight out to the square for an emergency glass of champagne. The amounts are so small, they call them “copettes” , so of course they had to have two! Then out for dinner and yet more “copettes” – but at least the French restaurants and bars are nice to dogs here – they always give you water – no champagne though.....