Friday 23 April 2010

Bali Beasties (21 April 2010)

I thought I had got used to the various Bali beasties around – geeko’s everywhere in the room, moths the size of eagles (well perhaps that’s a bit of an exaggeration....), snails any Frenchman could make a meal for six out of and frogs huge and loud. But nothing prepared me for the snakes. I know I saw one being caught at the pool the other day, but as I was sitting minding my own business on the terrace, I looked up into the roof bit and saw what I thought was an earth wire – you know one of those green and yellow ones. But I didn’t remember seeing it before and my relaxed holiday mind was working slowly.... then I thought to look a bit closer and the odd end was sticking out and then moved. “s**t” it’s a “f*****g” snake in the rafters. Actually I think I was quite calm really, rushed into the room, closed the door (although with the gaps round it I’m not sure it helped) and straight on the phone. Very politely I tell them, I think there’s a snake on my terrace..... It would have been quite embarrassing if actually it was an earth cable and not a snake after all... So lots of young men arrived (actually a good wheeze I may use again.....) armed with sticks and long pincers. I was not reassured when even they looked nervous when it moved.... Lots of prodding later it snaked away and they never actually caught it..... So for the shock of course it was straight to the hotel restaurant for a glass of wine and then to the shop for a Toblerone – well alcohol and sugar surely is good for shock? Am glad I am checking out tomorrow....

But I have enjoyed my time in Ubud, it’s been very relaxing and have enjoyed the wanderings and the lattes. But I do feel I may have missed something. Last night in the restaurant where the wifi is, there was a British Woman of a certain age. She was Skype-ing her friend. Poor friend, she didn’t get a word in edgeways. But I am pleased for the lady – she had “found herself” and returned to her spiritual name. She had refined her goals – now she wants “wisdom and love” to be her mantra’s and she hopes that Richard back in the UK can cope with it all. She has realised that he needs to accept her and commit otherwise it’s no-go. Frankly, I feel sorry for the bloke! She had been on a course with 1,000 other people (personal attention then....) the info for which is as follows:

Details: PEAT uses energy psychology techniques to quickly and easily find the basic energies that drive our behavior. Learn how to handle traumas, phobias, negative unwanted states, depression, stress, and overcome fears. PEAT uses a combination of acupressure points and verbal techniques to unlock our problems deepest roots. It is a quick, yet effective therapy that can be done on your own after you receive your certificate (3 days required).

On the 4th day Patryk offers an Advanced Workshop of advanced PEAT techniques to learn additional methods that have been developed throughout recent years and have proved very efficient in healing. What does PEAT stand for? PRIMORDIAL ENERGY ACTIVATION AND TRANSCENDENCE.

Kings new clothes come to mind, especially at about £300per day, but hey ho perhaps I’m just lucky. I haven’t lost myself yet so don’t need to go to Ubud to find myself again.

Whilst she was eating her veggie tea though, I was at least taking care of my five a day. Wine (grapes?), and a huge serving of banana fritters (at least two servings) and I’m sure the vanilla (well it is veggie) in the ice cream added another one.....

But tomorrow is another day as they say in Gone with the Wind, and I leave Ubud to find, if not myself, a hopefully, rather nice, villa with private pool – my sort of therapy!