Monday 5 April 2010

True Brit (1 April 2010)

The late afternoon and evening thunderstorms mean that my perambulations now concentrate in the mornings when it is both dry and a little cooler. The good news is is that it’s a nice little walk up to the main road, the bad news is is that it offers too many temptations for breakfast! The hotel restaurant (unlike the fab rooms) isn’t up to much at all, so I have been trying out various other little cafes instead. Sad to report, but a McDonald’s big breakfast is the best I have found so far! Thai’s obviously don’t understand toast – all I can find is warmed up soft white bread, and a scrambled egg can’t be served without all sorts of herbs and veggies included. And baked beans are served cold.... Oh dear, I sound like I a real Brit! But I have spotted the inevitable Irish Bar, so perhaps I’ll try there tomorrow...

Give the toll the tsunami took on this area, after breakfast, I decide to go to the International Tsunami Museum. For some reason I was expecting, well, a proper sort of a museum. But no – it looked like someone’s house and situated next to the big sign for the “Moo Moo Lady Boy Show”. There wasn’t much there, a few hand knitted things for sale, some large generic posters on the walls and two rooms showing videos. One video was showing an animated version of how tsunami’s happen. But the other one was a very graphic account of the aftermath in this area. It was all in Thai but that didn’t stop it from being effective, and the few people watching with me looked as if they didn’t speak Thai either, but still there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. A sobering experience.

But getting there was interesting. It’s only about 3 kms up from Khao Lak centre so I got a collective tuk tuk – at £2.50! I tried bargaining but no dice – can’t be doing too badly here then! But as is usual for me, I get somewhere, then can’t find transport back, so I walk. A bit hot but good for me I decided. Back in Khao Lak centre I stop for a cold drink and notice the typo’s on the cafe sign – I could have a “Solf Drink” – this is not a handwritten sign but one that someone has paid a lot of money to get produced. But I notice this everywhere – if I need a few bob I reckon I could start a new business proof reading for sign writers! In terms of beauty treatments I am torn between the “madicure” or the “Sking feet treatment”. Or I might buy a “World Wild Airticket”. But my favourite so far is the cafe where you can buy an “Iced Dream” – perhaps on those nights when you leave the aircon on too high....