Friday 9 April 2010

A day of drama (7 April 2010)

Today, my last day in Khao Lak, I awake to a text from Ant advising me of yet another Tsunami warning following an Indonesian earthquake. Given the 2004 experience here, you will understand how relieved I was when I checked online to find that the warning had just been lifted. Having said that, from what I see and hear, Thailand in particular has a very good plan for warning and evacuation of potential tsunamis, so all would have been well anyway.
I have enjoyed it here in Khao Lak, a quiet seaside resort with a few things to see and good food. But now it’s time to make my way back to Bangkok for another night at the Great Residence Hotel before a very early flight tomorrow. Bangkok Airways was its usual efficient self, as was the limo pick up to the hotel. But using the free wifi at the hotel I saw that the Thai Prime Minister had just declared a state of emergency in Bangkok to try and sort out the Red Shirt protestors. As I am the airport it didn’t affect me but I did notice that there were more police with riot shields around. And as we landed two rather large black helicopters came in at the airport – I read later that the PM had been taken out of the centre in a helicopter for safety – I wonder if it was him? I also read that the state of emergency regulation forbidding gatherings of more than five people has not worked, and the Red Shirt protestors have made the central shopping areas and five star hotels almost a no go siege area. What a pity, it really will continue to damage the tourist trade. There was a great picture online of troops and protestors surrounding the Louis Vuitton store...